How to Clean Krups Coffee Maker: The Easiest Method

This article will help you understand how and how often clean your Krups coffee maker.
Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer is our senior editor and content writer, at CoffeeVibe. Apart from writing and reading, she’s fond of the coffee brewing process and enjoys tasting new coffe read more
Reviewed By
Ryan Hendricks
Ryan Hendricks
Ryan Hendricks is our tester, who puts products through their paces. He used to be a barista and is now a full-time coffee enthusiast. He’s always testing out new gadgets, read more
Last updated: August 20, 2023
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How often do you think about cleaning your coffee maker? The manufacturer’s instructions tell you how often you should clean your carafe and coffee maker, plus how to clean it as well. It may come as a surprise to you to know that your coffee maker is second to only your bathroom in how many germs it has. The water reservoir in coffee makers contained mold and yeast growth Trusted Source Keurig, Nespresso, Mr. Coffee: How to properly clean your coffee maker Most coffee makers are crawling with germs and growing mold, experts say. Here’s why. .

Now I bet you wish that you read the instruction manual a bit more thoroughly. Seriously though, just by cleaning your coffee maker regularly, you can drink your favorite morning beverage without any worries. In this article, we’re going to tell you how to clean your Krups coffee maker for the best coffee you’ve ever tasted.

How to Clean Krups Coffee Maker

How to Clean Krups Coffee Maker: The Easiest Method
As soon as you’re all done, use warm water and a washcloth to wipe down the outside of your Krups coffee maker.

Before you start cleaning your Krups coffee maker, make sure you’ve read the instructions so you know which parts you need to clean. You’ll also want to know what cleaning solutions you can use and which you should avoid.

Once you have cleaned the outside of the Krups coffee maker, fill the water chamber halfway with white vinegar and the rest of the way with water. Place a paper grounds catcher in the brewer to catch any hard water in the reservoir. Allow the coffee maker to run until it’s about halfway done. Then stop it and allow it to soak for a half-hour or so before turning it back on.

Turn it back on and allow it to finish running its cycle. Once it’s finished, take out the paper and throw it away, dump out the vinegar/water mix, and rinse the carafe. I like to repeat the process at least three times to make sure it’s clean.

You probably don’t want your morning coffee with a dash of vinegar. Now you can use water and dish soap to clean your carafe. Once it’s done cleaning, run clean water through it at least twice to ensure it’s thoroughly rinsed.

How to Descale Krups Coffee Maker

Most people understand they should clean their coffee makers but don’t know they should also descale the machine as well. So why should you descale your Krups coffee maker? According to the Water Quality Association Trusted Source Hardness of Water But in layman’s terms, you may notice water hardness when your hands still feel slimy after washing with soap and water, or when your drinking glasses at home become less than crystal clear. Learn a lot more about water hardness on the Water Science School site. , scale deposits are an indicator of hard water, which contains mineral deposits such as magnesium and calcium. To remove these deposits, you need to descale your machine.

When there are hard water deposits inside your coffee maker, the water can’t heat the water to its optimal temperature, and your coffee won’t taste as good as it should. The mineral scales can also buildup and clog the water flow, and your machine will stop working.

Your Krups coffee machine will let you know its descaling time because the clean light will come on. Once you notice that it’s on, you’re going to unclip the reservoir then fill it up with either Krups Descaling Powder or equal parts vinegar and water.

Once you have the solution mixed in in the reservoir, press the clean button, the brew button, and the cleaning process will begin. This typically takes around 30 minutes.

If after 30 minutes the water reservoir isn’t empty, press the clean button again.

When the water reservoir is empty on the Krups coffee maker, rinse the machine by running water through the system two to three times.

How to Clean Krups Automatic Coffee Maker

If you own one of the Krups auto coffee makers, you’re going to find the process is much quicker. For the Krups super auto coffee machines, once every 2-3 months, you can simply drop a cleaning tablet in the reservoir and push the clean button. There are many cleaning tablets, but we recommend the Krups ones explicitly made for the automatic coffee makers.

Cleaning the Filter Basket and Pot

How to Clean Krups Coffee Maker: The Easiest Method
Simply place the pot in the water and use the filter and rice to wash it until it’s spotless, then rinse it and let it dry.

Cleaning the coffee pot is relatively simple. You will need warm soapy water, a coffee filter, and some rice. Yes, you read that right. The coffee filter won’t disintegrate in the water, and the rice is a nonabrasive way to clean the pot to remove all of the stains.

The filter basket can be more challenging than other areas of the Krups coffee machine to get clean. There are a few different ways you can try to find which one works best for you.

  • Use a toothbrush

Use a toothbrush with soap and water to brush the inside of the filter basket. If the soapy water doesn’t work, try 50:50 vinegar and water.

  • Use denture cleaner tablets.

After you are done with your coffee for the day, put your filter basket in a bowl of water and drop a denture tablet in with it.

  • Spray with a degreaser

Spray it with a degreaser, let it sit for a while, then wash it with soap and water.

Rinsing the Coffee Maker

How to Clean Krups Coffee Maker: The Easiest Method
The coffee pot you just simply rinse out with water, then let it air dry.

When you are finished cleaning the coffee maker, you want to rinse it by running an entire brewing cycle with just water. You may want to do this at least two to three times to ensure all leftover residues are gone. On the outside of the pot, use a cloth with water and wipe down its outside.

Descaling the Coffee Maker

How to Clean Krups Coffee Maker: The Easiest Method
The deeper cleaning of descaling to remove mineral deposits should be done at least every three months.

If you do not have an automatic coffee pot with which you can use a descaler tablet or powder, you will want to use a 50:50 mix of water and vinegar. You fill the reservoir with the mixture, place a coffee filter in the filter basket then push the brew button. Allow it to brew halfway, then turn it off and allow it to sit for around thirty minutes to an hour, then turn it back on to the finish. Once it’s finished, throw away the filter and clean out the pot. You can do the procedure a few more times if you want. Once you’re done descaling, the coffee maker runs clean water through it at least twice before allowing it to dry.


Here are some common questions we get about Krups coffee makers

  1. Why is Krups light blinking?

This frequently happens with the coffee pod machine. Don’t worry. It’s not a malfunction but usually just indicates that it needs descaling. Once you descale your coffee machine, it will go off.

  1. How often should I descale Krups coffee maker?

A good rule of thumb is to descale the Krups coffee maker once a month or after every 30 brewing cycles. This is not a hard and fast rule, and your water hardness should be considered when determining how often you should descale your machine.

  1. How do you reset a Krups coffee maker?

To reset your Krups coffee maker, all you need to do is press and hold the long espresso button, turn it off, and then turn it back on again without releasing it.

  1. How to Clean Krups Coffee Maker: The Easiest Method
    Be sure to reprogram the clock if you reset your appliance so that the scheduled brew time will work.

    How do you use Krups descaling powder?

Add the descaling powder to the water reservoir. When the descaling necessary is displayed, you can start the automatic cleaning program by pushing the “PROG” button. Then instructions will be displayed to make sure the contents are entirely dissolved.

Final Thoughts

The next time you turn on your clean Krups coffee machine, think about how more than likely, there are hundreds of people all over the world doing the same thing. Researchers estimate that more than 2 billion cups of coffee are drank in one day, making it the most popular drink in the world.

In the 1600s, Arabia and some Muslim provinces decided they wanted to keep the coffee and boiled the beans before being exported, rendering them useless. Lucking, a crafty Asian Indian, figured this out and snuck a few out, and when he returned home, he started growing them. Just think, if it wasn’t for this one man, you might not even need to know how to keep Krups coffee maker clean.

Now that you know just a little history about coffee and how it became popular, the next time you have you sit down for a cup, give the nod to the man who made it all possible.


Keurig, Nespresso, Mr. Coffee: How to properly clean your coffee maker
Most coffee makers are crawling with germs and growing mold, experts say. Here’s why.
Hardness of Water
But in layman’s terms, you may notice water hardness when your hands still feel slimy after washing with soap and water, or when your drinking glasses at home become less than crystal clear. Learn a lot more about water hardness on the Water Science School site.

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