How to Clean the Technivorm Moccamaster without Hassle

Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer is our senior editor and content writer, at CoffeeVibe. Apart from writing and reading, she’s fond of the coffee brewing process and enjoys tasting new coffe read more
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Ryan Hendricks
Ryan Hendricks
Ryan Hendricks is our tester, who puts products through their paces. He used to be a barista and is now a full-time coffee enthusiast. He’s always testing out new gadgets, read more
Last updated: August 14, 2023
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Appliances are amazing and they can save us a lot of time. They almost seem to do their jobs without any input from us these days. However, everyone dreads when it comes time to perform upkeep on any of their daily use appliances. This is a common complaint to do with coffee makers since it can be such a pain to descale and thoroughly cleanse most coffee maker designs.

If you have been wondering how to clean Moccamaster, or how to descale a Moccamaster, you are not alone. You want to know how to deep clean your Boyd Moccamaster properly so that you don’t damage it and so that you can keep it running perfectly. Cleaning coffee pots is always a really good idea from time to time, even if it is a bit tedious.

Descaling Explained

Most people have heard of descaling but don’t actually know what it is. You need to know what descaling is before you learn how to clean your Moccamaster. Descaling is often the most essential part of the cleaning process, as this is what makes it possible for your coffee maker to work properly for years of use.

The oils in your coffee Trusted Source Health Benefits of Coffee | Rush System 7 ways your favorite pick-me-up might also boost your health combined with the minerals in your water can make it hard for your heating element to warm up to temperature, and you might also find that your coffee has a foul taste after a while. Without descaling, you would likely have to replace your coffeemaker after about a year of use due to these two issues. Descaling removes the coffee oils and the mineral buildup that can make your machine unusable and unpleasant to work with.

Reasons to Clean and Descale

How to Clean the Technivorm Moccamaster without Hassle
You can’t run away from descaling, it has to happen sometime. All water will cause limescale over time.

There are various reasons that you need to clean and descale your Moccamaster. Descaling is the process of removing limescale from the heating elements of your machine. Limescale is a hard and chalky deposit that is made up of minerals and calcium that are part of your water. Some areas have water that causes more scaling than others, depending on the mineral content.

All water will cause limescale over time, which leads to many people asking how to clean Trusted Source Perk Up, Coffee Drinkers Perk up, coffee drinkers. The good news is the solution is easy: simply clean your coffee maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions and then sanitize. a Moccamaster coffee maker. The build-up of limescale can also impact the clear plastic portions of your machine and make them look unsightly. This is where many people see the limescale first, which means that the machine is well past needing to be cleaned.

Cleaning after Use

Always make sure that you are cleaning your Moccamaster after each use. Even if you do not need to remove limescale every time you clean your coffeemaker, you do need to make sure that you are not allowing water to stand inside the machine or grounds to clog the other working parts of the machine.

There are many videos online showing you how to clean the Technivorm Moccamaster coffee maker and also how to clean the Moccamaster coffee maker with vinegar. If you are confused about when these two processes need to happen, vinegar will be used for your bi-monthly or monthly descaling process, but you will just clean with soap and water after you are done using your machine every day.

The company recommends that you clean your Moccamaster water tank with some dish soap and clear water at least once a week. You will let this soak overnight and then rinse it thoroughly. You might want to try Durgol or Urnex cleaners, as they are the recommended brands for this need.

Dealing with Coffee Stains on Carafes

Coffee stains on your carafe can usually be prevented with regular cleaning, but if you have found that you have stubborn stains on this part of your machine, you probably want to know how to get rid of them. Descaling can partially handle these stains, but you might need to use dish soap and elbow grease to remove the stains that are on the carafe. Make sure that you are not cleaning your carafe with water that is too hot, or you can just trust the process to your dishwasher if you want to take the guesswork out of the process.

Descaling a Moccamaster

The process of descaling a Moccamaster is relatively easy. It can sound daunting if you have never done this before, but it is actually a really easy process once you have done it a couple of times. You will need a few things to be gathered to start the process.


Collect some clean and lukewarm water. You will also need a descaling Trusted Source Descaling the coffeemaker : University of Dayton, Ohio The retired life is resplendent with richness and meaning. It does not, however, free one from the tasks of ordinary life. agent like Durgol or vinegar. There are various other products that can do the same thing, but do be sure that you are using a high-quality product for this need.

Step 1: turn off and empty

How to Clean the Technivorm Moccamaster without Hassle

Turn off your machine and empty out the filter basket before you do anything else. Make sure that all coffee grounds have been removed.

Step 2: water and descaling agent

How to Clean the Technivorm Moccamaster without Hassle

You will now fill up the water reservoir with the descaling agent and the fresh water that you have collected. You will want to use the ratio that your descaling agent suggests. You will need to use vinegar at a 1:1 ratio. If you are using Durgol, the ratio is 150 milliliters per reservoir for this brand of coffee machine.

Step 3: collect the descaling solution

How to Clean the Technivorm Moccamaster without Hassle

Put the empty carafe under the brew basket to collect your descaling Trusted Source How Clean Is That Coffee Machine? Do you wash your coffee pot every morning, or rinse and reuse the next day? What about the inside of the machine? solution. This is important, and if you miss this step, you will make a very big mess.

Step 4: start the brew cycle

How to Clean the Technivorm Moccamaster without Hassle

You will now turn on your coffee maker and start the new cycle. You will want to wait about 4-6 minutes for the entire brew cycle to complete.

Step 5: post-cleaning

When the brew has finished, you can run another couple of brew cycles through the machine to thoroughly remove all the cleaner. With vinegar, you might need to run a few more brews to remove the smell and the taste of the vinegar.


Can I descale a Moccamaster with vinegar?

You can use vinegar to descale any coffee pot. You will mix your vinegar descaler at a 1:1 ratio. You might find that vinegar is not as pleasant a cleaning agent because it has quite a strong smell and taste when it has not been properly removed from your machine. You might also need to run the brew cycle a few extra times when descaling with vinegar to be sure that you get the vinegar out of your machine.

Is it dishwasher safe?

Most of the parts of the Moccamaster are dishwasher safe, but you should look at your manual to make sure that you do not put the wrong parts into the dishwasher. There are some parts of every coffee pot and coffee maker that cannot be washed using this method and it is always wise to check on this before you make any assumptions.

How often should I deep clean and descale a Moccamaster?

The company recommends that you descale your Moccamaster at least once every 100 cycles. You might need to do this more often if you have water with a very high mineral content.

Final Thoughts

Knowing how to care for your appliances is important. All of your kitchen tools will last much longer if you take care of them properly. Waking up to find that you cannot make coffee can really put a kink in your day, and you do not want to waste money on a new machine if your current coffeemaker would have easily lasted for much longer with the proper care. Learning how to clean the Moccamaster coffeemaker is a great idea since you have invested some money into this nice coffeemaker and probably want it to last a long time.

Descaling is actually a really easy process, and you should not feel intimidated by having to complete this process for your machine at home. You can easily descale your coffeemaker with the right process and the right tools. Make sure that you use this guide to help you to care for your coffee-making appliances with ease.


Health Benefits of Coffee | Rush System
7 ways your favorite pick-me-up might also boost your health
Perk Up, Coffee Drinkers
Perk up, coffee drinkers. The good news is the solution is easy: simply clean your coffee maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions and then sanitize.
Descaling the coffeemaker : University of Dayton, Ohio
The retired life is resplendent with richness and meaning. It does not, however, free one from the tasks of ordinary life.
How Clean Is That Coffee Machine?
Do you wash your coffee pot every morning, or rinse and reuse the next day? What about the inside of the machine?

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