Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer is our senior editor and content writer, at CoffeeVibe. Apart from writing and reading, she’s fond of the coffee brewing process and enjoys tasting new coffee flavors. She brings her experience to the table, as she’s been traveling to different cities to explore their coffee scene.

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In Pittsburgh, Honduras Specialty Coffee Brand Cafetano Opens First US Shop
The number of coffee drinkers has significantly risen, and it's not hard to see why. According to the Moderate coffee drinking is safe, and three to four cups a day may have some health benefits, according to a large review of studies, in the BMJ. drinking at least 3 cups of coffee may have health benefits such as ...
New York Coffee Startup Blank Street Lands $25 Million, Plans 100 Small Shops
Blank Street, a well-known coffee startup in New York City, announced a Series A funding round of $25 million on 13th October 2021. This company is known for its mobile carts & formal stores, and according to Small-format specialty coffee chain, Blank Street, has raised $25 million in a series A round led by ...
US Coffee Roasters May Be Eligible for Pandemic Relief and Safety (PRS) Grants
According to the Coffee was once a little-known delicacy used to aid religious rituals – now we drink more than two billion cups a day., coffee has become an unstoppable force, and more than 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed daily across the globe. When the pandemic struck, most businesses were impacted, including ...
Out-of-Home Coffee Drinking Rebounds to Pre-COVID Levels, Study Shows
When COVID-19 struck, most governments put up restrictions on public places interactions. This made it difficult for people to meet up at their favorite cafe and have a cup of coffee. However, now that the regulations have begun to ease up, studies reveal that the coffee consumption of Americans has increased by 20% ...
Roast Magazine Announces 2022 Roaster of the Year Winners
Roast Magazine is a major part of the specialty coffee industry, and it's popularly known for awarding top honors in 2 main categories; Macro Roaster of the Year and Micro Roaster of the Year. The Macro Roaster of the Year award is given to companies that roast more than 100,000 pounds of coffee every year, while the ...
Charity Workers Fighting for Paid Parental Leave in the US is Shown Support from Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has donated $25 Starbucks gift cards to the staff of PL+US (Paid Leave US), who are taking on the task of fighting for paid leave for US workers. Markle, known worldwide for her A donation made by the Duchess of Sussex has been a "lifesaver" for users of a community kitchen in ...
The Aeralab Steaming System Now Auto-Recognizes Different Types of Milk
The new Aeralab milk-steaming system from Iberital is designed to recognize the type of milk being steamed automatically. The first of its kind, the Aeralab milk-steaming system recognizes whether you are using plant-based milk, dairy, and even chocolate. Depending on the type of milk you are using, the Aeralab ...
Black Eagle Maverick Espresso Machine is Revealed by the Italian Espresso Manufacturer, Victoria Arduino
One of the most popular espresso machine brands in this day and age, Victoria Arduino, has recently unveiled the Black Eagle Maverick Espresso Machine. The machine is the company's most advanced, intelligent, and sustainable model in its current catalog. Released in October of 2021, the Black Eagle Maverick ...
The Faema Home Espresso Machine Takes a Step Up as Faema Introduce a Next-Generation Espresso Machine
The long-running espresso machine brand Faema has returned to the home coffee station market with its introduction of the Faemina, a single group espresso machine with a double boiler. The new model takes a new spin on the classic Faema designs, which are based on the trusty spring level model found on most of ...
Coffee Leaf Rust Research Granted a Generous $6 Million by the USDA
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued a four-year grant worth $6 million for a coordinated research effort in the fight against coffee rust. Coffee rust is a significant problem affecting plants all around the world. In 2008, coffee rust almost Coffee rust disease has devastated coffee ...