Ryan Hendricks
Ryan Hendricks
Ryan Hendricks is our tester, who puts products through their paces. He used to be a barista and is now a full-time coffee enthusiast. He’s always testing out new gadgets, machines, and beans to find the best of the best.

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What is French Roast Coffee – Simple Explanation
French roast coffee. Strong, roasted coffee that isn’t really everyone’s favorite taste. You really need to understand French roast before you can start to like the taste. For some, it is just a bitter, strong cup of coffee. While for others, this is a quality cup of coffee that you can enjoy and not find just ...
10 Best Manual Coffee Makers – Control Coffee Making Process!
Manual brewing entails the ability to manipulate all elements of coffee brewing: grind size, water to coffee ratio, water temperature, and brew time. You may customize the ideal cup for yourself because you can modify and play with all of these components like an aspiring composer creating his new ...
How to Get Rid of Coffee Jitters
If you are an avid coffee drinker, you will know that there is nothing more blissful than gulping down a cup of hot or iced coffee in the morning. Sure, coffee is delicious and has a stimulating aroma, but those aren’t the only reasons why people drink it. You see, numerous studies have shown that coffee has a lot of ...
5 Best 12-Volt Coffee Makers to Take with You Anywhere You Want
Have you ever wondered why coffee is considered the best drink for travelers? Not only does it give you an awakening effect, but it also can save you from depression. Unpleasant emotions such as tiredness and anxiety are unavoidable, but they mustn't consume you. Our comprehensive guide will show you the best 12-volt ...
6 Best Blenders for Bulletproof Coffee – Enjoy Your Creamy and Frothy Drink!
Bulletproof coffee is all the rage at the moment, and there are some great reasons for that. Making perfect bulletproof coffee doesn’t need to be difficult, and getting the right consistency can be as simple as finding the ideal blender for the job. So, if bulletproof coffee is your thing, and creamy and frothy drinks ...
9 Best Office Coffee Makers to Have the Best Coffee Brakes
Do you want the best coffee breaks at work like your favorite characters from the Office show? If so, you need the perfect coffee maker. Our comprehensive guide will show you the best office coffee makers and help you choose the perfect one to make your breaks tastier. We reviewed 62 different options and narrowed ...
How to Use a Coffee Maker
It seems like coffee has never been more popular. Many people have their favorite coffee drinks and stand in line every morning in order to get it. People have their favorite coffee shops, too, and often drop a fair amount of money to get their daily caffeine fix. But there’s a simpler and often cheaper, way to get ...
What Is Blonde Coffee?
It seems the term “blonde roast” is everywhere these days and is increasingly popular. But if you’re someone who has wondered what a blonde roast coffee is, don’t worry, you’re not alone. It may seem like a new term, but the truth is blonde roast has been around for a while. Starbucks added a blonde roast to their ...
How to Remove Coffee Stains from Teeth
Coffee is an aromatic and delicious beverage that millions of people from different parts of the world start their day with. But drinking it comes at a price. Just like red wine and tea, coffee stains teeth. Having a yellowed or stained tooth can hurt your confidence, and make it difficult for you to interact with new ...
Why Is Coffee Called Java? The Quick Answer and Unexpected Facts
Java, Coffee? Is this the same thing, or is there a difference between java and coffee? You need to understand that we don’t talk about computer software, Java. Many people are referring to coffee as java as well. But why? It is interesting to understand why coffee is called Java, and what a cup of Joe really is. ...