Chai tea is a delicious drink with a good taste of spices and is very sweet. Away from the traditional style, Chaï latte is becoming one of the favorite drinks of the West, especially in the cold winter. It’s sweet, hot, and full of spices.
Unluckily, many often find the ones served in bars and other “fast food” places too sweet. They’re devoid of the taste of the spices many folks love so much. For this reason, some choose to make this drink’s homemade version. Hence, we’ll show you how to make Chaï latte tea step by step.
It’s easy and quick to make once the equipment and ingredients are ready. There’s nothing like making too much of it. The drink can stay for a long time in the fridge and allows you to have your lattes very quickly.
Chai latte tea is a hot, milky, fragrant, slightly spicy, and popular drink. It originated in India Trusted Source What is Chai Tea? Chai is steeped in a rich history. The name “chai” is actually the Hindi word for “tea”, which was derived from “cha”, the Chinese word for “tea”. In this case, the Hindi term chai means a mix of spices steeped into a tea-like beverage. Recipes for chai vary across continents, cultures, towns and families. But the traditional ingredients of a spiced tea blend usually include black tea mixed with strong spices, like cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, ginger and black peppercorns. and was baptized Masala Chai.
Chai came to be the national drink (due to its popularity among its inhabitants) with different flavors, such as Chai Latte, usually accompanied by milk. The average consumption of four cups of chai daily is estimated to improve the heart Trusted Source How Chai Tea Can Improve Your Health Chai tea, also known as masala chai, is made with spices and ingredients that may offer important health benefits. Here's how chai may benefit your health. .
Black tea is used for making chai tea. This is the main ingredient responsible for its peculiar taste. In addition, it comes with different spices and plants such as cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, vanilla, and anise.
You can use a wide range of milk for Chai latte tea. Classic chai is prepared with milk that contains a high percentage of fat Trusted Source How to Choose the Right Milk for Chai Latte | Camellia Sinensis Though not new to the world of tea, Chai, the traditional Indian beverage, has become increasingly popular in North America. We’ve noticed a growing demand for various plant milk alternatives to traditional cow’s milk. , sometimes even condensed milk or butter. On the other hand, cow’s milk gives a smooth, rich result and a classic taste.
Since black tea, a caffeinated type of tea, is the main ingredient in Chai tea, it’s logical to say Chai tea is caffeinated. In every cup of Chai tea made from the powdered form, you’ll have 25 to 55 mg of caffeine Trusted Source Does Chai Have Caffeine? | Prana Chai Ever wondered how much of a caffeine hit you’ll get from chai lattes? Find out how much caffeine there is in a chai and tea & the benefits for you. .
Each ingredient used in Chai Tea has unique and peculiar properties, making Chai Tea Latte a fantastic option to get through winter. Some of the things you’ll need include:
You can keep chaï tea for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator. Remember to shake the jar before use; the spices tend to settle at the bottom.
Doodh Patti Chai tea, native to northern India and Pakistan, is a variation of Chai tea. It means tea with milk; the recipe usually requires cardamom and sugar.
Kashmiri Chai is also another variation. This tea comes from the part of Kashmir in India and is based on green tea, baking soda, cardamom salt, milk, and, lately, sugar. This tea is lovely as it changes its hue. It goes from being green to brown and finally pink.
The traditional Indian beverage, chai, is nothing new to the tea world. But, with the growing demand for plant-based milk, it’s indeed something worth trying.
It is prepared and served during the cold winters and comes with a whole lot of health benefits.
Now that we’ve shown you how to make Chaï latte tea, we hope you can now give it a try. Remember, it can be stored for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator (without the milk).