5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!

In this article we have picked five best coffee filter substitutes and collected useful tips on how to brew your coffee without a filter.
Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer is our senior editor and content writer, at CoffeeVibe. Apart from writing and reading, she’s fond of the coffee brewing process and enjoys tasting new coffe read more
Reviewed By
Ryan Hendricks
Ryan Hendricks
Ryan Hendricks is our tester, who puts products through their paces. He used to be a barista and is now a full-time coffee enthusiast. He’s always testing out new gadgets, read more
Last updated: August 14, 2023
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A few things compare to the fulfillment we get from having coffee in the morning. The rich natural taste soothes us up and gets us ready for our daily activities. And coffee filters are among the vital things you must have when preparing coffee.

However, you might find yourself forgetting to purchase filters, which may result in poorly brewed coffee. Don’t worry. A coffee filter substitute is a solution to your problems.

With the coffee filter substitutes we consider in this article you can brew coffee just as you would do with the proper coffee filters. Moreover, they may exceed your expectations and present better-tasting coffee.

What to use instead of a coffee filter

The bonded filters for Chemex might be best of the best but they can be easily substituted.

So, you are asking what you can use as a coffee filter substitute. Here, we will take a close look at a couple of coffee filter substitutes that work excellently with any type of coffee. They convenient and do not need the resources that filters need.

You will also be surprised by some substitutes you thought can never work. For instance, a reusable tea bag may be awkward at first but produce outstanding coffee. Other alternatives like mesh sieve, cheesecloths, and reusable filters may be common.

You definitely should try these substitutes, and you will not be disappointed with your coffee:

1. Paper towel or napkin

5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!The paper towel is one of the most common substitutes for coffee filters. As much as these products are not designed to filter coffee, they offer the same quality of coffee as coffee filters. You must be careful not to use unhealthy paper towels as they can be contaminated with chemicals. You will also need to be keen on the type of paper towel you use. The brown paper towel is the best choice in this area.

2. Dish towel or a cloth napkin

5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!Clean dish towels also offer extraordinary coffee. Napkins are easily accessible and cheap, which makes them perfect substitutes.

You will rarely find an alternative to a coffee filter that will give you the same type of coffee produced by dish towels or cloth napkins. They are also environmentally friendly and trap the finest coffee. However, they stain clothes, are absorbent, and may result in somewhat weird flavors.

3. Fine mesh sieve

5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!A mesh sieve is common in homes that cook or bake on most occasions. Apart from their use in baking, they work perfectly as coffee filter substitutes.

The good thing about mesh sieves is that they are easy to use. They also offer great taste and are as environmentally friendly as dish towels. They are less common, which means that their usage as substitutes is limited. Furthermore, you will have a hard time cleaning the fine mesh sieve after using it.

4. Reusable tea bags

5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!As awkward as it may seem, using a reusable tea bag is outstanding in producing good coffee.

You must have tea bags in your home if you’re a fan of brewing tea. Get creative and use reusable tea bags for coffee. This idea is among the best substitutes for coffee and offers great results.

5. Cheesecloth

5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!Cheesecloths are known for straining out the liquid when making cheese. However, they have many uses apart from this.

You will be able to brew coffee as if you have coffee filters when using cheesecloths. The process of using them is straightforward- place the coffee granules on the cloth and pour hot water slowly. Cheesecloths filter coffee and provide the best mornings to coffee lovers.

Reusable metal filters

5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!Reusable metal filters work great in filtering coffee. As the name suggests, reusable metal filters can be used severally for many purposes. They filter coffee by holding large granules, preventing them from entering the brewed coffee. However, some granules may still find their way into the cup.

Brewing methods that don’t require a filter

You do not necessarily need a filter to have the best coffee. Filters may be perfect for brewing, but substitutes may be convenient in some sense.

For example, the makeshift coffee filter has been identified to offer coffee that cannot be distinguished from the one brewed using filters. Luckily, you can use several brewing methods that will not require you to have a filter.

Brewing in a cup

5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!Using a cup is among the easiest and most convenient ways of brewing coffee. While asking, ‘what can I use as a coffee filter?” you ought to consider the methods that work best for you.

This method can be used to make cowboy coffee, which can be easily made in the kitchen. All you have to do is boil water and pour it into a cup, then add the grounds and stir. After this, add cowboy coffee and wait for about ten minutes.

Coffee sock

5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!This sock is similar to the one you wear on your feet. It is a cloth tea bag that works well in filtering coffee. You should place grounds in the sock and insert them into your mug.

The next step is to pour boiling water over the coffee sock and leave it for approximately five minutes. This process results in excellent coffee that is ready to drink.

French press

5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!The French press has a cup and a plunger that brews coffee perfectly. Place the grounds inside a cup and pour boiling water. After that, stir, then move the plunger downwards.

Ensure the plunger comes in contact with the grounds, then pour the brewed coffee in your mug. The best French press remains Bodium Brazil French Press Coffee and Tea Maker. Experts recommend it as it does not require paper filters and is dishwasher-safe.

Moka pot

5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!The Moka pot uses steam to brew tasty coffee that will leave you wanting more. There is a new version that comes with unique colors and is stylish, enhancing the outlook of your kitchen.


5 Best Coffee Filter Substitutes: Make Great-Tasting Coffee No Matter What!This appliance has a long handle that makes it a great alternative to filters. It was designed to brew Turkish coffee but can be used to make other types. Add sugar to grounds, pour boiling water, stir, and leave the grounds to accumulate at the bottom of the cezve.

Final thoughts

Coffee must not be necessarily made using filters- you will find substitutes in stores if you run out of filters or need to use alternatives.

The best coffee filter substitute produces a cup of coffee similar to the one you make with the filter. The options we considered in this post are safe, convenient, and easy to use.

Furthermore, these alternatives are cost-saving and do not require the components needed to brew coffee when using filters. Acquire your preferable coffee filter substitute and make tasty coffee for you and your loved ones.

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