Ryan Hendricks
Ryan Hendricks
Ryan Hendricks is our tester, who puts products through their paces. He used to be a barista and is now a full-time coffee enthusiast. He’s always testing out new gadgets, machines, and beans to find the best of the best.

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Coffee vs. Energy Drinks – What’s the Best Way to Wake Up?
Coffee vs energy drinks has been an enthusiastic debate since energy drinks started gaining popularity in recent decades. Caffeine is also known as brew, perks, energy, go-go juice, and bean juice is how nearly every person starts their day. For many people, it’s something they live on regularly. Caffeine provides ...
Who Invented the Coffee Makers? – Love for Coffee Through the Years
In between sips, there are thoughts about the origin of a cup of coffee. Originally, who invented the coffee makers? Whether it's a cup of black coffee, a homemade pumpkin spice latte, a shot of espresso, a mocha with whipped cream, or a delicious aromatic macchiato, the coffee maker is a staple throughout the world ...
History of Espresso: Interesting Facts about Your Favorite Coffee
Just think while you're sitting at your table enjoying your first, or the second cup, of espresso coffee, millions of others are doing the same thing. Have you ever wondered how it was discovered and how it became so popular? You may find it interesting to know that espresso, although small in size, is pure coffee and ...
Philips 3200 Review: Discover 5 Delicious Coffees
Review The Philips brand is well-known for being a leader in various industries. They manufacture high-quality appliances that consumers have enjoyed using for many years. You can count on Philips's products to have multiple features to make your daily life much easier, and the 3200 is no exception. It is ...
8 Best Espresso Knock Boxes for Home Use and Coffee Shops
If you adhere to conscious consumption in everyday life, you must've faced the question of what to do with spent coffee grounds. The most obvious way is using them as fertilizer for plants in the garden or yard, or to repel mosquitoes. But to conveniently collect such coffee, you need a special accessory. Our ...
8 Best Flavored Coffees – Savor Your Favorite Taste!
Did you know that coffee can have positive effects on your physical well-being? Studies suggest that drinking coffee regularly can reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in your senior years. If you don’t drink coffee because it tastes not so divine, you’ve come to the right page. Coffee doesn’t have ...
15 Best Coffee Makers for Any Brewing Style and Taste
Dreaming of black coffee and cherry pie? You’re not alone. Agent Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks enjoyed his coffee this way. Thanks to the recent revival of the show, the caffeine-and-pie combo is having a moment. The fans have been flocking to Twin Peaks-themed pop-ups to get their hands on a cup of “Dale Cooper coffee” ...
10 Best Cappuccino Makers Out There – Making Your Favorite Brew Has Never Been Easier!
Everyone knows that cappuccino was first patented in Italy, but did you know that during World War II, cappuccino machines were improved, and many restaurants began serving the drink? In Italy, even nowadays, cappuccino is typically consumed with breakfast. Our comprehensive guide will show you the best ...
7 Best Prosumer Espresso Machines – Make Your Coffee Like a Professional!
The term "prosumer" is a combination of the words "professional" and "consumer." It's an espresso machine that you should definitely have at home with comparable features and parts to more expensive commercial espresso machines. These are, in fact, the sports cars of coffee, each emphasizing performance as well as ...
5 Best Nootropic Coffees – Brain Blast!
Are you looking for a little boost in your mental performance? If so, consider trying a cup of this special coffee. Who knows, you may just find yourself enjoying its benefits! To make your life a little bit easier (and your coffee habits a lot more exciting), we've created this guide on the best nootropic coffees. ...