Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer is our senior editor and content writer, at CoffeeVibe. Apart from writing and reading, she’s fond of the coffee brewing process and enjoys tasting new coffee flavors. She brings her experience to the table, as she’s been traveling to different cities to explore their coffee scene.

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How to Make Turkish Coffee without an Ibrik and Keep the Taste
An ibrik is a Turkish coffee pot that is designed to make a cup of rich, decadent coffee. But what if you don’t have one? While many families of Turkish heritage will have an ibrik, many households don’t have this specific container. Don’t worry, though, if you fall into this group. We’ll explain how to make Turkish ...
50 Coffee Facts You Might Have Never Heard Of
Coffee is the second most traded product around the globe and the second most consumed beverage worldwide with daily global consumption estimated at 2.25 billion cups! The world of coffee is so diverse that we bet you don’t know many of the coffee facts we have included here. Did you know that a coffee pot broke the ...
How Big is Coffee Scoop – Right Way to Measure
Chances are, your morning routine includes waking up, scooping coffee into your coffee maker, and anxiously waiting until you feel truly awake. Even if you have the ability to pre-program your coffee maker the night before, you will use the same setup. Have you ever wondered, however, just how big is coffee scoop you ...
How Much Coffee for 8 Cups: Guide to Perfect Brew
Unless you have been making coffee for years on end, brewing a pot, including mixing the water and the coffee grounds, can be a bit overwhelming. Trying to decide just how much coffee for 8 cups of water can lead to a very strong or a very weak brew if you don’t know what you’re doing. 8 cups of water is a pretty ...
Introduction to Coffee Flight Tasting – Joyful Activity for True Coffee Lovers
Coffee flavor profiles vary across the world according to the country of origin because the taste depends on the type of soil and climate and how the coffee is harvested and produced. Coffee shops have come up with coffee flights that are designed to allow you to taste a variety of ...
Chocolate Milk in Coffee – Bad Idea or Taste Improvement?
Did you know that you can add chocolate milk in coffee to make it sweeter? The drink known as Caffe mocha is one of the most popular coffee flavors and it is known as mochaccino in Italy. It contains foaming milk, steaming espresso and chocolate syrup.
Lebanese Coffee: Achieve Rich and Dark Flavor at Home
Lebanese people are very social, and this might sound strange to Americans who hardly have social breaks but it is not unusual to have guests visiting your home several times in a day, sometimes unannounced. During these visits, the host typically serves the guests Lebanese coffee to ...
How to Stop Coffee from Making You Poop – Change the Morning Routine
Coffee is a reliable energy-boosting beverage that could also have a laxative effect that makes you rush to the bathroom as soon as you drink the brew in the morning. Although there is no harm in consuming coffee in moderation to aid your bowel movement as many coffee drinkers do, it ...
How the Right Cup of Coffee Can Improve Your Focus While Gambling
Whether you’re spinning the reels on the Chicken Road casino game or testing your skills at the poker table, a well-crafted cup of coffee can sharpen your focus, increase alertness, and even improve decision-making. Let’s explore how caffeine and gambling make the perfect pair ...