Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer
Samanta Fryer is our senior editor and content writer, at CoffeeVibe. Apart from writing and reading, she’s fond of the coffee brewing process and enjoys tasting new coffee flavors. She brings her experience to the table, as she’s been traveling to different cities to explore their coffee scene.

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9 Best Dual Coffee Makers – Brew Coffee to Your Taste!
Are you on the verge of divorce because you and your partner have different tastes in coffee? Are you single, so brewing a full carafe is not always an option? Whatever your relationship status is, if you're in dire need of more versatility in your coffee-making experience, there's a solution: the dual coffee maker. ...
5 Best Single-Serve Coffee Makers Which Use No Pods — Save Your Money on Costly Capsules!
Did you know that single-serve coffee makers which use no pods were first introduced in the early 2000s? These devices became popular because they offered a more convenient and affordable way to enjoy freshly brewed coffee. Our comprehensive guide will show you the best single-serve coffee makers which use no pods to ...
7 Best Nespresso Compatible Capsules — Get the Most of the Variety the Market Offers!
Nespresso machines are fastidious little things. They like their coffee a certain way and they're not afraid to let you know. So the next time you try to put any stranger-capsule into one of these machines, you're in for a rude awakening.
What Causes Coffee Nausea?
Nausea is a term used to describe the feeling of dizziness, discomfort, and sickness. It is a common symptom of many health conditions and can be caused by food poisoning, side effects of medications, drinking too much alcohol, and even pregnancy. But, do you know that drinking coffee is one of the culprits of this ...
How to Grind Coffee Beans without a Grinder
Whether you are an average coffee drinker or a hard-core coffee aficionado, you definitely know the benefits of having a coffee grinder. With a good grinder, you can be sure of getting fresh, rich, and delicious coffee every morning. But what should you do if your grinder is broken, or you visited a friend or relative ...
All You Wanted to Know About Honey in Coffee and More
When consumed by itself, coffee can give a very bitter taste, which some people find unpleasant. For this reason, coffee lovers opt to add sweeteners to their beverages. Typically, this can involve things like sugar or an artificial sweetener, which is considered less healthy, than using a natural product. Often, ...
Easy Ways to Learn How Long Do Different Types of Coffee Last
Each year, millions of people enjoy drinking coffee to give them energy throughout the day. Because of its popularity, it’s always easy to buy coffee products. But once you’ve purchased them, how long will they last before they go off? You should also be aware of some of the effects that you can experience when the ...
5 Best Coffee Makers for College — Your Reliable Ally on Your Way to Diploma!
Let’s face it - your time in college can be the most exhausting period of your life. The bad news is that the cafeteria coffee isn’t always available to wake you up. Well, that’s when the best coffee maker for college comes in handy.
5 Best Coffee Options for AeroPress — Make the Most of Your Coffee Maker!
The Aeropress is a tiny versatile coffee maker that uses an immersion brewing method. Since its debut in 2005, the Aeropress has grown in popularity considerably. There is even an annual World Aeropress Championship, which features a number of international competitors. If you got such a device, you need appropriate ...
9 Best Moka Pots – Most Delicious Coffee With an Authentic Coffee Maker!
A moka pot is a coffee maker that brews your coffee “the old-fashioned way.” That includes boiling water to make steam and passing it with pressure through ground coffee. Experienced coffee drinkers claim that coffee made in a pot is far better than the one made in a machine. It delivers a strong brew and rich flavors ...